
Training for Group Therapists

This is one of our most downloaded episodes of the podcast!

In this episode, Dr. Kylin Lee joins Carrie to talk about everything groups and introduce their experiential training group for clinicians starting February 2022. Stay tuned to get all the info about:

  • How did Kylin start her journey in group work
  • The true connection of groups
  • What’s interesting about process-oriented groups
  • Kylin most challenging and rewarding group experiences
  • Recognizing dynamics as a helpful skill for therapists

And much more!

Training group for clinicians: https://carriehayneslpc.com/training-group/

Starting on February 3rd at 2:00 pm MT (1-3 PT, 3-5 CT, 4-6 ET)

Visit the Art of Groups Website to learn more: www.artofgroups.com

Write to Carrie at carrie@artofgroups.com.

Direction and Original Idea: Carrie Haynes 

Production: Laura Correa

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