

Welcome to The Nest

A nurturing 6-month program to develop your purpose and potential as an impactful Circle facilitator.

Deepen Your Connection

so you can help more people

Develop an Offering

aligned with your natural passions and skills

Spread Circle Magic

to those you're called to serve


Hatch your unique Circle with The Nest

Just as a nest cradles new life, providing warmth, protection, and the space to grow, The Nest Mentorship Program is designed to incubate your journey as a Circle facilitator.

Having experienced the transformative power of The Well, you are now invited to take the next step. Over six months, The Nest offers a nurturing environment where you will receive ongoing training, personalized support, and enriching guidance to grow into your potential.

What to Expect in The Nest

As a comprehensive group mentorship program, The Nest combines practical training, embodied experience, and nurturing ongoing support to help you develop into the Circle facilitator you want to become.

Circle Facilitation Online Course

A comprehensive program that guides you through key steps of Circle facilitation

Monthly Training Workshop

A monthly online gathering to learn and develop new skills and share experiences

Monthly Virtual Circle

A monthly Circle experience to expand your personal journey with Circle healing

Member's Area & Resources

A robust and beautifully organized Member's Area with extra guiding resources

3-Day Practice Circle Retreat

Gather with your group to put what you've learned into practice — and celebrate!


$3000, or $500/month for 6 months

We cover everything you need to breathe life into your Circles,
with room to explore beyond


Creating Your Circle Offering

Take your Circle from idea to impact through an intentional strategy and plan


Facilitating the Circle

Explore modalities to integrate into your Circle and how to guide participants confidently


Managing Circle Dynamics

Ground yourself in best practices for supporting and guiding diverse groups

Your journey starts here...


Apply & Share Your Story

To make sure this program is the best next step for you, share your past Circle experiences and how you want to bring this offering to life in your healing practice.


Grow Together

Join Carrie and fellow Circle facilitators on a deeper exploration of the power, purpose, and potential of Circle magic over 6 transformative months.


Guide with Grace

Hone your skills, troubleshoot your challenges, shape your unique offering, and cultivate the confidence to guide your own Circles.

The Nest: Where Circle Facilitators Evolve

The Nest Mentorship Program is designed to deepen and widen the foundation set in The Well Immersive Circle Training Retreat, and is therefore only open to past participants. If you have not yet attended a retreat, please join us for the next immersive experience to begin your journey.

If you’re unsure if a virtual Circle session is right for you, please schedule a free call to discuss your situation and fit.

Stories From The Nest


“Through this program, I have integrated my roles as a therapist, social worker, and yoga teacher. Carrie’s offerings gave me the confidence and skills to lead groups and circles. I now incorporate circle work into my practice, balancing holistic healing and clinical approaches. Her mentorship empowered me to facilitate circles for women, allowing me to honor the practice while expressing my authentic voice.”


“I’ve facilitated groups for 20 years and immediately felt the healing power of connection. Despite my experience, I lacked formal training and sensed there was more potential. Training with Carrie transformed my approach, boosting my confidence and effectiveness.

A profound spiritual experience further changed my work. Encountering the Circle deepened both my personal and professional life, bridging my clinical and spiritual practices. Integrating Circle energy into my group work, with Carrie’s support, has allowed me to fully embrace my true path, enriching both my life and my clients’ experiences.”


“In the fall of 2022 I  attended my first  Circle Facilitators’ Retreat. It was magical. I immediately knew that this is what I had been looking for and have been mentoring with Carrie.

Leading Circles is like coming home to myself. Circles allow me to embrace my feminine energy, trust myself and the women in the room, improvise based on the moment’s needs, and transform how I work and what I offer to my community. I am excited to host Circles and guide other women in embracing our embodied nature and feminine qualities, forming Circles of love and kindness that will ripple out into our community, slowly changing it for the better.”

You might be wondering...

The 6-month mentorship program costs $3000, which can be paid in full or paid as 6 monthly installments of $500. This includes the cost of the Circle Practice Retreat Training, but does not include accommodation or travel expenses to the retreat.

We’ll meet again at Sunrise Ranch, which has a variety of accommodation to suit your preferences. Find out more here!

This mentorship program is focused on supporting participants in foundational principals of transformational Circle facilitation — it is not clinical in nature and can help any healing guide facilitate effective and transformative Circles. That said, you can use this mentorship to expand and deeper your clinical group offerings if you have the necessary clinical degree and licensure.
Not at this time. I have worked hard to keep costs very low so that the training can be accessible. However, we are working on ways to provide scholarships in the future.