
Interview with Dr. Kylin Lee

In today’s episode, Dr. Kylin Lee is joining Carrie to talk about everything groups. Stay tuned to get all the info about:

  • How did Kylin start her journey in group work
  • The true connection of groups
  • What’s interesting about process-oriented groups
  • Kylin most challenging and rewarding group experiences
  • Recognizing dynamics as a helpful skill for therapists

And much more!

Training group for clinicians: https://carriehayneslpc.com/training-group/

Starting on April 12th, from 5 pm to 7 pm MT. 

Visit the Art of Groups Website to learn more: www.artofgroups.com

Write to Carrie at carrie@artofgroups.com.

Direction and Original Idea: Carrie Haynes 

Production: Laura Correa

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